Services & Programs
Service Groups
The cost of operating CREST (Clarenville Region Extended Seniors’ Transportation) is covered by a start-up grant from the government of Newfoundland and Labrador together with generous annual donations from the following service groups as well as fares collected from users.
These contributions go a long way in helping to ensure that the CREST service continues to operate in Clarenville and surrounding communities.
The governing committee for CREST is quite pleased to have so many contributing partners who donate annually and would like to thank all of them for their tremendous support. We could not operate without them. Their continued financial contributions ensure that a CREST bus ride is within reach to all seniors.
If you would like more information or would like to join one of these service groups, please use the contact information below.
Royal Canadian Legion – Bill Meadus, 709-466-6484,
Clarenville Lions Club – Paul Abbott, 709-466-7900,