Dementia-Friendly Communities Program
Random Age-Friendly Communities is proud to lend support to the Dementia-Friendly Communities Program in creating a place where people living with dementia, their families and care partners feel included and supported. This program is delivered in partnership with the Department of Health and Community Services.
For up-to-date information and resources about dementia and dementia care in the province, please visit the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador’s website: www.dementiafriendlynl.ca
As 1 of 8 dementia-friendly pilot project communities in Newfoundland, we are making Clarenville and area more accessible to those living with the disease and now YOU CAN HELP TOO!
For public or private organizations, businesses, and anyone interested in learning how to provide better support, please visit: www.alzeducate.ca and register for FREE Dementia-Friendly Courses.